Mācības notiks klātienē Ventspils Augstskolā divas reizes nedēļā no plkst. 18:00. Kopējais kursa apjoms 60 akadēmiskās stundas, mācību valodas: itāļu, angļu, ukraiņu, krievu. Cena 325 EUR.
Docētāja Violeta Tolstova par sevi:
"My name is Violeta! I am a school and university English and Italian teacher. I've got more than 15 years of teaching experience. My goal is to create an engaging and supportive environment where students can develop their language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. I practice a systematic approach to teaching when the previous knowledge and skills become the background for the next educational information. So named Snowball effect in its positive meaning. Teaching new educational material, I also practice the PPP approach which includes three stages: Presentation, Practice, Production. For example, every new grammatical structure is being explained using appropriate examples, then it is thoroughly practiced through exercises and as a result it is used "in pair" or "in group" dialogues. Every time I plan the lesson I ask myself: "How can I make the lesson better, more effective and more productive?", and I also ask myself: "How can I make the lesson more enjoyable?", "How is it better to explain the structures to make understanding easier and faster?" and a lot of other similar questions.
I hope you also enjoy the process of studying and find new friends! Best regards, Violeta.”
Pieteikšanās mācībām: https://www.venta.lv/muzizglitiba/pieteiksanas
Plašāka informācija:
Zvanot pa tālruni +371 63629650 vai rakstot uz e-pastu [email protected]